In other news, this past weekend Mallory moved into her "big girl bed." Her crib converts into a full size bed, but I haven't taken pictures yet because we are still waiting on the pretty rails to arrive so we can attach the headboard and footboard. Essentially right now it is a mattress and box springs on the floor. But, she is none-the-wiser and L O V E S it! Despite the fact that everything is already hers (in her mind), she loves to talk about "my bed, my bed!" She had no trouble transitiong to her comfy new bed. Last night she even invited her daddy to lay down with her at bedtime by saying "daddy night-night, daddy back" as he was preparing to leave her room.
Speaking of her speaking, she is a full on talker. She is pouring out toddler sentences right and left. She speaks very slowly and thoughtfully when trying to compose a complete thought. Prime examples include the following:
- "I hurt my toes. I kiss my toes."
- "I pick my nose. My finger, my nose."
- "I watch Dora!"
- "Mommy, where you? Bathroom? There are!" (apparently she asks this most often while I'm in hair and makeup in the mornings - hence my reply, "I'm in the bathroom")
Aside from current Mallory notes, BJ and are both taking classes at UALR this semester. I'm starting my thesis and he is taking two construction classes. Pray for our mental health over the next few months!
Big girl bed pictures to follow shortly.
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