Mallory attended her first "I'm old enough to seriously play and understand what we are doing here" birthday party last Saturday. I think this event may have marked one of her top 5 days thus far. The party was held at The Little Gym, a gymnastic place for little kids, and she was in jump, bounce, climb H E A V E N. Parker was there and those two could not have had any more fun in an hour and a half. All Mallory wants to do - all the time - is "jump big" according to her. She jumps up and down on the ground, off the couch onto the ground, off the diving board at the pool, on the bed, etc.
The Little Gym has mats everywhere, ideal for a crazed, jumping girl. There were also rings, bars and balance beams. The way she tackled this equipment was incredible! She made it look like she had done it 1,000 times and was truly fearless.
For the birthday party they also brought out a parachute, balls, jingle bells and bubbles. All of which were sure to please. Mallory and Parker acted like they play with parachutes all the time. They knew just what to do and listened to the teacher. Smarties. :)
It's a fun place! =) She and Parker are cute as they can be. It's so sweet how they're such good friends. Hopefully, S will be talking better soon, and he can join in on the camaraderie.