Meet the Laffertys! BJ, Diane, Mallory and fur-kid Ellie Mae.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cry Baby

For the first 11 months of life, Mallory was sweet. Now, she is sweet and sour. She has hit that stage where she doesn't know what she wants, but it is/isn't me, it is/isn't daycare, it is/isn't sleep, it is/isn't daddy, it is/isn't toys and it is/isn't food or milk or juice. She chokes me when I drop her off at school because she won't let go.

Also, she has a mystery illness. We had our first middle of the night throwing up incident Sunday night. It was NOT pretty. Monday she threw up in the brand new car seat. She had never ridden in it before. Yesterday she cried, no sleep, for 12 1/2 hours. We will see what happens today. Today is her boyfriend Wynn's birthday. Wynn is the cutest and he loves Mallory. They are best buds. He brought cup cakes. I told her teacher she could have one (because I won't be there to clean up the impending vomit).

Mally's birthday party is this Sunday and it is supposed to rain. :( We will have fun anyway.

Here is Mallory is her new car seat. 60 seconds before she soiled it.

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