Meet the Laffertys! BJ, Diane, Mallory and fur-kid Ellie Mae.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


No, not "Uh-Oh." "Uh-Oooo" is Mallory's new word! I am so excited that she finally has a word other than MaMa, DaDa, Baba babble. Sometimes she says "Hi" but I can't decide if she means to or not. "Uh-Ooo" is very clearly and carefully pronounced complete with cute "O" shaped mouth. When she drops something, she says it! This morning when her bottle was empty, she said it. She purposely slides toys under the couch so she can say it.

She has learned how to get on all fours and crouch to look under the couch for missing items. She has also learned downward facing dog (the yoga position when you stand on hands and feet making a triangle with the floor). She is walking better, and will now let you hold just one of her hands and she will bravely take a few steps. She has been freestanding a lot more too - with intent, I think.

On Saturday Kali and her mom took me to Rhea Lana (BIG consignment sale) because they had a pass to get in before the big crowds. Kali told me to bring a laundry basket with a rope tied on it to drag around and fill up with clothes. Silly, yes. Useful, absolutely! I filled the entire basket up into a big heap then sat in the corner frantically sorting. I ended up with a fall (12 month size) and winter (18 month size) wardrobe for Mally girl. She even got some special accessories like pink, John Deere workboots! And I picked up a Halloween costume. It is all such good stuff that would have been very expensive new. An item that might have originally cost $25 or more was $5. Good deal! I also picked up some toys. A car for inside, a push buggy for outside, a toy vaccuum and a Weeble village.

(No, that's not Mallory. It's an ad)


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