Meet the Laffertys! BJ, Diane, Mallory and fur-kid Ellie Mae.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


When something goes well, Mallory announces, "Alright!" Since I am finally taking a few minutes to blog....Alright!

I am super swamped with my five week summer class that is coming to an end with a big project looming. I feel like I am doing Mallory a diservice though by not blogging something at least twice a month about her, so here goes even if it is random.

Here are the latest points of interest:
- She talks like crazy. She says everything. Seriously, by the end of the summer she will have sentences. She is working on perfecting the "L" sound. She draws is out and rolls is around in her mouth for a while before she spits it out. It's pretty funny.

- She is into labeling everything in as many ways as she knows how. These include identifiying things as pink, blue, or purple (she can't say any other colors well enough yet to use them often). Also things are Momma's or Daddy's. I have noticed she is starting to turn DaDa into Daddy.

- She is also making animal sounds. Her best are monkey and kitty sounds. She calls them "monk" and "meow meow." Oh! And she sang Row Row Row Your Boat yesterday! This is the first song she has really tried to sing on her own.

- She LOVES the pool. She loves to practice swimming in the deep end and has started holding her breath better when we go under water. She jumps/throws herself off the edge of the pool repeatedly then practices swimming to the ladder and climbing out.....repeat process. I'm pretty sure next summer she will be swimming by herself and we will definitely do lessons.

- She teeteed in her potty twice. She couldn't have been more excited! She yelled "teetee!" Now she tries to tell me everytime she teetees in her diaper. She labels the big potty as "Momma, teetee." It's funny, but she's right! That's where I teetee.

- BJ and I go to NYC in a month and we are so excited! We are trying to map out what to do each day so we make the most of our time there. We are also pumped to eat at The Palm. It's a steak place that has been there since the 1920's and was on The Food Network's top steak places to eat in the country.


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