Meet the Laffertys! BJ, Diane, Mallory and fur-kid Ellie Mae.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


For a long time Mallory has been fascinated by rings. Particularly BJ's wedding ring. She asks for it by saying, "Reesh?" She likes to put it on her thumb and parade around.

Easily enough, "reesh" also works for "Mommy, I would like to swing on the porch swing with you because I love you so much." Her love for swinging led us to buy an old school style swing set this weekend. She can climb up and use the slide all by herself and is learning to use the swings. They are hard, formed seats instead of flexible ones that conform to you, but we ordered a toddler bucket swing like most parks have so that she can swing safer for a while.

This morning she woke up and said "Momma!" I said, "Yeah! It's Momma." She said, "Dadda?" To which I replied, "Dadda already went to work." Once she was aware of the location of her parents, she said, "Reesh?" I put her down and she ran to the back door to go out and swing. Not the door that goes straight to our driveway, but the door that goes to the garage because that is the path we take to get to the swing set. She knew EXACTLY what she wanted.

Also this past weekend we went to church for Mother's Day and BJ's mom came with us. Then we all made a really good lunch and sat around feeling full. Mallory and I spent an hour playing bounce house and swing set with Parker on Saturday. They are almost the same size! Crazy!

*Bounce house*

*These are pictures from the swing set at Kali's house. The pics of ours are on my phone which is currently not with me*

*Mother's Day*

AND, I finished school for the semester and have two weeks until my five-week summer class starts! Whew!

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