Meet the Laffertys! BJ, Diane, Mallory and fur-kid Ellie Mae.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving and Other Good Stuff

What'd you do for Thanksgiving?

We drove down to Monticello to BJ's stepdad's deer camp to eat with his family. We had some great food and everyone had a good time. Mallory played and was pretty happy! The drive home was pretty trecherous in the thunderstorms, but we survived it.

Did you shop on Black Friday?

I did! Kali and I went to the Mall (scary!), Target and Old Navy. I got Mallory a winter hat, BJ and I some coats, Mallory some Christmas jammies, and presents for other people. Oh, and new stockings! It was a successful day.

So, show us Mallory's new hat!

Okey Dokey...

What else is new with Mallory?

She walks all the time now! It's so cute. I love every step. She is also trying to say more words. She says "book" and "ball." She has a favorite pop up book that she makes us read to her repeatedly. She can also feed herself! I just handed her some applesauce and a spoon and she acted like she did it every day. It's amazing what she has learned from observation alone.

Are you ready for Christmas?

YES! BJ pulled everything out of the attic Friday and Kali helped me decorate Saturday because I am inept. By help I mean she did everything. :) Tonight I am going to make Christmas cookies complete with red sprinkles I accidentally stole from Kroger. Oops. Sometimes self checkout isn't a good idea.

Have you seen Harry Potter?

YES! It was amazing! BJ and I went yesterday afternoon. We both had Harry Potter adventure dreams last night. I don't know if I can wait for the last piece of the story! I may have to read the book again.

Only 3 more weeks of work until Christmas Break!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Accidental stealer, you! Glad y'all had a good Thanksgiving. Sorry you drove home in the torrential downpour. That's never good. =(
    Just when I think Mallory can't get any cuter, she does. Christmas is going to be so fun with (and for) her this year. Can't wait to hear all about it.
