Meet the Laffertys! BJ, Diane, Mallory and fur-kid Ellie Mae.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Nice Weekend and New Things

This weekend was so nice with the Spring timey weather! We got to spend lots of time outside which made everyone (especially Ellie Mae) happy campers. On Saturday Mally and I went Chick fil a with Kali and Parker. Since she isn't big enough yet for restaurant high chairs, I took her bumbo and she sat in the middle of the table. She mostly sucked on a french fry the whole time. BJ went with my parents and some friends from church to shoot guns. They had a good time. I would have liked to go but I don't think that is a Mallory friendly event just yet. Saturday night Kali brought me a present from the Southern Living catalog. She hosted a party a few weeks ago and got to pick out a ton of free stuff. I ended up with 3 free wall tiles that have a cute pattern on them. I can't figure out where to hang them yet, but I'm working on it. I never buy anything for the walls because I hate spending money on things I can't wear or eat, so thanks Kali! Also on Saturday, BJ's mom and sister came to visit. I'm pretty sure it was a good visit...I ran to Target for a few minutes. It's always nice to get away for just a bit! I bought Mally a new device.........(New Thing #1) a sippy cup!

She knew just what to do with it too! It is a 6 month appropriate cup so it has a silicone sippy similar to a bottle, and the handles are easy for her to hold. She isn't coordinated enough to get it into her mouth everytime, but she is learning fast! She is also LOVING food. She opens wide and ravenously accepts anything we offer her. Tonight's menu is sweet potatoes and oat cereal (yuck).

Back to the weekend, we spent a few hours at my parents house Sunday afternoon. They have a pack and play so she was able to take a nap and hang out for a while. BJ took Ellie Mae down to the farm for the afternoon and she ran around with some labs like they were a pack. Later that day, we went on a walk with Janna and Tappan. I used to think Tappan was huge but Mallory is catching up fast! It was so nice but Mallory lost her sunglasses. :( We will have to get more because she actually seems to like wearing them!

New Thing #2 - I love my lovey blanket! Mallory got this lovey blanket before she was born from a friend at work. I fold it longways and wedge it between her crib slats and mattress so she can't pull it over her head. She has a long strip of it to stuggle with. She rolls toward it at night and rubs it/chews on it/holds it/lays on it. This morning I found her perpendicular in her crib with her head on it instead of laying parallel like usual.

If anyone is wondering what all the stuff under and on her and around her is, I put a pink flanel blanket over her sheet because it seems warmer than the sheet. Plus if she spits on it, I don't have to change the whole sheet. She wears a fleece sleep sack because she can't use loose blankets yet. Then there is her white lovey.

New Thing #3 - Teeth! Yes, teeth...already. No pictures yes, but both bottom teeth have emerged. :)

Teeth pics coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet that she cuddles her lovey! Also, I did/do the same thing with the blanket over the crib sheet. First for warmth and also for easy/frequent changes. When I don't change it every few days, S's face gets rashy. Also, we had to quit using sleepsacks when S started pulling up and trying to walk around in his crib (about 6 months), and I was so sad! But now they make them for "early walkers," so, of course, I had to get him one. Another thing to spend money on!!! Hope to get all of us Kelleys well so that we can see you people!
